New Volunteer Registration

We apparently could not find your email address at any schools. So, let's get you added to your school now.
Step 1 - Select your school

You must enter at least 5 letters..
- Enter just enough of your school's name to identify it
- Do not include phrases like 'elementary school' or 'middle school', stick to the main name
- If it's not found, try entering less
- Keep trying different combinations until you find your school

Step 2 - Type in your name and email address
This name is already in the database for a volunteer with a phone number like . If this is you, perhaps you have used a different email address in the past. If so, please go back and search for that. If this is not you, you may change your name slightly. For example add a middle initial or nickname and then click on Submit Info again.

You must enter a first name..

You must enter a last name..

You are set! We've added you to your school's volunteer system and have sent a new password to your email address.

You will have access to your own personal information and will be able to sign up for activities, record hours, and complete your general interest form.

While you have full access to your online information your volunteer status will be "Pending" until the school volunteer coordinator processes your application. You will not be able to sign in at school until this happens. You should hear back from the school regarding your clearance for volunteering. At some schools, background checks may be required.

Check your email, your password should be there within a few minutes.

Thank You For Volunteering!