Welcome to Corvallis Facilities
Employee/Contractor Background Check Application
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en español

Thank you for applying for employment or contracting opportunities. After you submit this information, a background check will be performed and the human resources department will be in contact. Please allow a reasonable time for processing. If you have any questions, our contact info is at the bottom of this page.

The items with asterisks are required and must be completed to submit this form. When you have finished the last section, the SUBMIT APPLICATION button will appear.

1 - Tell us about yourself

First Name*First name required
Middle Name
Last Name*Last name required
Email Address*
Phone full phone required
Work Phone full phone required
Cell Phone full phone required
Comments or questions?
previous zip codes

Legal First Name Required
Legal Middle Name
Legal Last NameRequired
Maiden/Birth Name or Any Other Names You Have Used
Date of BirthRequired
Social Security Number Required
Drivers License Number Required
Please input N/A if no driver license is available
Issuing StateRequired

Drivers license, state id, resident
alien card, or matricula.
Applicant CategoryRequired
If contractor, enter Employer (Company Name) Required
Have you ever been convicted of a sex-related crime?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime involving violence or threat of violence?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime involving criminal activity in drugs or alcoholic beverages?
Have you ever been convicted of any other crime except a minor traffic violation?
Have you been arrested within the last three years for a crime in which there has not yet been an acquittal or dismissal?
Please provide an explanation of any criminal charges checked above
For any convictions include the state, date, and convicting agency.
Electronic Signature (type your legal name)Required

2 - do you have students

do you have a student

why we are asking about students
First Name Required
Last Name Required
select student school Required
student grade Required
Classroom if known

next for schools

3 - confirm schools

select at least one school

4 - what are you interested in

no schools selected
why we are asking for interests

Thank you for your application to Corvallis Facilities.

We will be in touch as soon as possible.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact us by phone - 541-757-4487,
or email us -

organized by classroom
If you have questions, please contact
your school or schools of interest.
This service is provided by HelpCounter Volunteer Software under a subscription license. For technical support contact info@helpcounter.net or call 971 338-9550. Copyright 2003-2025 - Liden Technologies www.helpcounter.net

Missing Information

required information must be completed

no interests selected

no interests explanation