Welcome to Hamilton Community Schools
Volunteer Application
Recording data...

Thank you for applying to volunteer. Your time is appreciated. If you have any questions, our contact info is at the bottom of this page.

This application contains four very short sections. Please complete all four, they really are short and will just take a few minutes. This information will help us link you to the best opportunities at the best locations for you, especially if you have children in the district.

The items with asterisks are required and must be completed to submit this form. When you have finished the last section, the SUBMIT APPLICATION button will appear.

1 - Tell us about yourself

First Name*First name required
Middle Name
Last Name*Last name required
Email Address*
Phone 10 Digits Required
Work Phone 10 Digits Required
Cell Phone 10 Digits Required
Skills, Hobbies, Comments, Questions?
previous zip codes

Legal First NameRequired
Legal Middle Name
Legal Last NameRequired
Birth DateRequired
Volunteer CategoryRequired
Maiden/Birth Name - Any other namesRequired if different than current name
Drivers LicenseRequired
Have you ever been convicted of ANY crime? (Convicted includes ALL instances in which a finding of guilty or nolo contendere is the basis of conviction and/or all proceedings in which a sentence has been suspended or deferred.)
Have you ever been convicted of a crime relating to sexual abuse, exploitation or physical abuse?
Have you ever been convicted of any crimes relating to drugs?
Have you ever been convicted of any crimes relating to financial exploitation, including extortion, theft, robbery or forgery?
Do you currently have any outstanding criminal charges or warrants against you in Michigan or in any other state or country?
Have you ever been convicted of Domestic Violence or Assault?
Please provide an explanation of the criminal charge checked aboveRequired
Full Legal NameRequired
By typing your full legal name on this application, you are granting Hamilton Community Schools permission to conduct the background check and certifying under penalty of perjury according to the laws of the State of Michigan that the above is true and correct.

Hamilton Community Schools Volunteer Guidelines

Thank you for your willingness to volunteer in the Hamilton Community School district. Please read over and understand the list of guidelines that all volunteers are required to follow for the safety and security of the students and staff. Hamilton Community Schools policy states that all adults participating in school activities, on and off school grounds, are required to complete the online profile and be approved. Background checks are run on all volunteers for the safety of our students and staff. (Policy Manual 4120.09 - VOLUNTEERS)

Sign in Procedures

  • All volunteers must always sign in and out through the school office using the check-in computer provided.
  • Wear your ID badge/name tag label in a visible location for all in and out of building volunteering.

Volunteer Responsibilities

  • All volunteers are ‘volunteers of the school’ and work under the direction of the school’s administration.
  • Be dependable and arrive on time. If you cannot make your commitment please make every effort to trade with only an approved volunteer. It is required that you cancel your commitment in HelpCounter and have your replacement sign up so the teacher/staff member knows who will be volunteering.
  • Please contact your building volunteer coordinator if you cannot find a replacement. DO NOT send a spouse or friend who is not an approved volunteer! That person will not be allowed to enter the building past the main office.

Understand and Follow School Procedures

  • Treat all students fairly, equally, and positively.
  • Reinforce and demonstrate the school’s rules and guidelines.
  • Report any concerns regarding a student, staff, or parent to the school administration.
  • Appropriate, modest dress is required at all times.
  • Use appropriate language and maintain emotional control in difficult or frustrating situations.
  • Schools, school property, and school-attended field trips are drug, weapon, and smoke-free.
  • Unless approved by the teacher or principal, the distribution of literature is prohibited.
  • Enter classrooms quietly and wait for a break in instruction before communicating with the teacher and students.
  • Always follow staff instructions carefully, asking for clarification if necessary.
  • Unless otherwise instructed, please arrange childcare for younger children so that volunteer time is dedicated to the students at school.

Appropriate Student Contact

  • Volunteers working with an individual child are required to be in an open area or with another volunteer or school employee at all times.
  • Support students with appropriate use of touch. Give high fives or a pat on the back instead of intimate touching or gestures.
  • An adult being approached by a student with a hug can turn to the side and give a pat on the shoulder.
  • A student wanting to sit on a volunteer’s lap can be offered a spot nearby instead.
  • Volunteer/student relationships should not go beyond the school day, i.e. taking a student on outings not related to a school or organization-sponsored field trip.


  • Students’ personal information is protected under the Family Educational Rights to Privacy Act. This includes the learning or disciplinary needs of all students.
  • Do not discuss or share personal information about a student with anyone outside of the classroom teacher or principal.
  • If a student confides in a volunteer that he/she is a victim of abuse or neglect, the volunteer must notify the teacher or principal immediately.

Discipline and Safety

  • Teachers are ultimately responsible for the students and the teacher or principal must handle activities and student discipline.
  • Body fluids (blood, vomit, urine, etc.) must be handled by trained personnel. ALWAYS contact the custodian, secretary, or other school staff.
  • Volunteers are not allowed to transport a student (other than his own) during a school field trip or any other school-sponsored activity.
  • By law, only trained school staff members may dispense medication to students.

Profile Updates for Continuing Volunteers

  • The students listed in your profile are automatically moved to the next grade each year in July.
  • Before school each year, please select “update your volunteer profile” on the district website to make sure your information is still correct - including activities you are interested in.
  • If you have a student that is moving to a different building, please contact me if that building is not listed for you.
  • Your criminal history check will be updated every 1-2 years until you indicate that we should remove your file.
  • When you are no longer interested in volunteering, contact Tara Weber, District Coordinator of Volunteers (tweber@hamiltonschools.us) to remove your file.

2 - Do you have students in the district?

Do you have a student in the district?*

When you tell us who your students are it allows us to help you get involved with their specific classrooms and activities.
First Name Required
Last Name Required
Select School Required
Grade* Required
Classroom if known

Click on Next Step to select the schools of interest to you.

3 - Confirm your school selection

Please select at least one school.

4 - What are you interested in?

No schools have been selected yet. Please select a school in the section above.
Tell us which activities you are interested in. Each school you selected above will have its own activities list below. Please take the time to click on each list and select the activities you find interesting.

Thank you very much for your application. Volunteers are very important and are very much appreciated here at Hamilton Community Schools.

If you have any questions, please contact us by phone - ,
or email us - tweber@hamiltonschools.us

is specifically organized into classrooms. Please select a classroom.
For volunteering questions, please contact
tweber@hamiltonschools.us - .
This service is provided by HelpCounter Volunteer Software under a subscription license. For technical support contact info@helpcounter.net or call 971 338-9550. Copyright 2003-2024 - Liden Technologies www.helpcounter.net

Missing Information

Required information must be completed!

No Interests Selected

You have not checked any interests! If you'd like to return and view the activities list, click on Return, and click on a school's activities list. Otherwise just click on I'm Finished to submit your application as is.